ComicLink is a leading Auction and Exchange for Vintage Comic Books and Original Art. Our web-based company launched in 1996 as the first online comic book consignment firm. Over a quarter of a century, we've grown into one of the largest and most highly-respected Auction services focusing on...
(more)ComicLink is a leading Auction and Exchange for Vintage Comic Books and Original Art. Our web-based company launched in 1996 as the first online comic book consignment firm. Over a quarter of a century, we've grown into one of the largest and most highly-respected Auction services focusing on vintage comic books and original comic art. We match sellers looking to get top dollar for their quality materials to the world's most loyal and aggressive buyers looking to build their collections. There are 11 ComicLink online auctions held each year and each one consistently sets dozens of record prices. ComicLink also offers sellers the best terms in the industry, maintaining the lowest feasible commission structure and providing generous cash advances to consignors looking to quickly raise funds. With a staff of 17 dedicated employees and over 250 years of combined comic book collecting experience, ComicLink is trusted throughout the comic book industry and has many thousands of satisfied clients worldwide. Visit for more information.