Archery Business Pavilion at the 2026 SHOT takes place January 20 - 23, at The Caesars Forum Academy Ballroom.
This application is for NEW EXHIBITORS to the Archery Business Pavilion at the 2026 SHOT Show. If you are a returning exhibitor from the 2025 Archery Business Pavilion, please contact for your renewal link.
Only companies with a product or service that is affiliated with or serves the Archery - Bowhunting - Hunting segments tied to archery will be accepted. Approval is subject to Show Management's review, in its sole discretion. Once approved, Show Management will notify you by email and send an invoice for the required deposit.
Due to limited exhibit opportunities, Show Management has established a priority system for approving exhibitors based upon product or service categories and its alignment to the core business needs of the customers attending SHOT Show. Therefore, applications from companies Show Management deems not to be primary to the customer’s business needs will be tentatively approved during the year, and will be contacted approximately 90-120 days before the SHOT Show to determine the then-available opportunities for exhibiting at the 2026 SHOT Show. Approval and classification as set forth above is subject to Show Management's sole discretion. Once approved and an opportunity presents itself to select booth space, Show Management will notify you by email and send an invoice for the required deposit.