Jul 30, 2023 - Aug 1, 2023
Huntington Center Cleveland
This application is for sponsorships ONLY. If you wish to reserve a booth for SCUP 2023 Annual Conference, please Click here.
SCUP 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities

Support for the conference provides a prime opportunity to build awareness of your firm and connect with leaders who understand the value of collaborative planning on campus. You are invited to review the following selection of opportunities and help us to meet your needs. SCUP is open to additional opportunities. Contact us if you have questions or ideas to share.

Sponsorship opportunities are first-come, first-served. Deadline to be included in the program is May 12, 2023.

For assistance with this application, please contact KenDra McIntosh, 734.669.3283 or send an email to kendra.mcintosh@scup.org

Internal/Contract Contact:

The following information will be used for communicating with SCUP regarding logistics and pre-conference information.
( ) - x

Bill To Contact:

The following information will be used when generating invoices.
( ) - x
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Directory Contact:

The following information will be used in the program. The deadline to update your information to be included in the program is May 12, 2023.
Note: This is also the name of the person who will appear in the program.
( ) - x
( ) -

Directory and Listing Info:

The following information will be used in the program.
( ) - x
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Sponsorship Options

All sponsors will receive the following (each sponsor type includes additional benefits):
  • Acknowledgement as event sponsor in mobile app, website, social media channels, and on-site signage
  • Sponsor badge ribbon
  • Electronic list of opt-in registered attendees at eight (8) and three (3) weeks prior to the conference Note: This list will only include those attendees who have consented to have their information shared with exhibitors or sponsors.
  • Final list of attendees emailed post conference Note: This list will only include those attendees who have consented to have their information shared with exhibitors or sponsors.


Cancellations - Cancellations for activities in the SCUP Commons will be accepted for a full refund on or before June 30, 2023. Refunds will not be granted after that date unless cancelled space can be resold. No refunds can be given if conference material has been printed.
Exhibitor agrees to observe and abide by the foregoing terms, conditions and rules and by such additional terms, conditions and rules made by SCUP from time to time for the efficient or safe operation of the exposition, including, but not limited to, those contained in this contract. In addition to SCUP’s right to close an exhibit and withdraw its acceptance of this application/contract, SCUP in its sole judgment may refuse to consider for participation in future expositions an exhibitor who violates or fails to abide by all such terms, conditions and rules. There is no other agreement or warranty between the Exhibitor and SCUP except as set forth in this document. The rights of SCUP and the Exhibitor under this contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the respective parties.
I, the duly authorized representative of the above-named organization, on behalf of said organization, have read and agree to all the terms and conditions contained in this contract and agree to abide by the SCUP Rules and Regulations. I also understand that this application becomes a contract with my signature and SCUP’s acceptance of it.
Please click "SUBMIT" when you are finished filling out this application. After you click the submit button you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your completed application.

Once your sponsorship is confirmed you will receive another email with a link to your invoice to pay.