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Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt. Ltd.
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt. Ltd.
Booth: 1527
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Products and Videos:
Handmade paper sheets
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
Handmade paper bags
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
Handmade paper boxes
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
Handmade paper lampshades
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
Handmade paper photo frames
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer g...
About the Company:
Himalayan Bio Trade Pvt Ltd (HBTL) is a natural products manufacturing and marketing company, owned by community enterprises groups of Nepal. HBTL has a wide networks with community producer groups in Nepal. HBTL directly works with community producer groups and supports in enterprise set up,... (more)
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