Cast In North America Qualifications—Foundries or casting manufacturers in North America (Canada, USA, or Mexico). Only one company may exhibit in a single booth.

Internal/Contract Contact:

The following contact information is collected for internal purposes.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Bill To Contact:

The following information will be used when generating invoices.
( ) - x
( ) - x

Directory Contact:

The following information will be used in the printed show directory and published in other printed materials.
Note: This is also the name of the person who will appear in the show directory.
( ) - x

Directory and Listing Info:

The following information will be used in the printed show directory and published in other printed materials.
( ) - x
( ) - x
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To select a subcategory, first select a category, then a subcategory. To choose multiple subcategories under the same category, add a line and choose the same category and then choose the second subcategory (i.e. To choose two alloys/materials such as copper and iron, first choose Alloy/Materials, then choose the Copper, then on the next line choose Alloy/Materials, then choose Iron.)

Booth/Pricing Details:


  • $3,400 per 10’x10’ space or $2,050 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing
  • $6,800 per 10’x20’ space or $4,100 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing
  • $9,900 per 10’x30’ 3 Inline Booths or $6,000 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing

  • $3,700 per 10’x10’ space or $2,250 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing
  • $7,000 per 10’x20’ space or $4,500 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing
  • $10,200 per 10’x30’ Premium+2 Inline Booths or $6,200 for AFS Corporate Members in good standing
    • Booth Package

      The booth package includes the following per 10x10 space: carpet, one 6’ table with table skirt, two chairs, one wastebasket, one identification sign, two complimentary All-Access Pass including Education track registrations, and a reduced rate for additional exhibiting staff. Any additional booth furniture, equipment, electric, or lead retrieval can be provided at the expense of the exhibitor as ordered through the Exhibitor Services Manual.

      Assignment of Space
      • Full payment is due with exhibit space contract before booth space is assigned. Booth assignments will be at the discretion of Show Management based on a first-come, first-serve basis.
      • Only one company may be represented per booth.
      • Companies may purchase more than one inline 10’x10’ booth. Double booths at the end of aisles are not permitted to ensure good sight lines for all Exhibitors. However, single end cap booth plus adjoining inline booth combinations are acceptable.
      • To qualify for the Corporate Member rate, an exhibitor must be a Corporate Member in good standing at the time of application through the time of the event. If an exhibitor does not maintain its Corporate Membership in good standing during the full period of the contract, the non-member rate will apply.
      • Show Management reserves the right to change the official floor plan or reassign booth space for the best interest of the exhibit as a whole.
      PLEASE NOTE: Corporate AFS membership will be verified.
      Add Booth
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      Terms & Conditions

      Cancellation of Exhibit Space - Refund

      Any notice of cancellation must be in writing. If received on or before Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 50% of monies paid will be refunded. After January 2, 2024, all payments are nonrefundable and may not be applied to other services.

      Click here to view the full Exhibit Terms & Conditions

      Please enter the name of the individual responsible for signing the Exhibit Space Rental Agreement and check the box indicating that you have read and agree to these Terms.

      Application is hereby made for exhibit space in the Cast in North America (CINA) section at Metalcasting Congress 2024. We have read the Rules & Regulations as shown on the reverse, meet exhibitor qualifications, and agree to abide by the terms therein plus any additional rules deemed necessary or appropriate by Show Management.