The Legend of Buganda is a comic book series based on the Kingdom of Buganda in Uganda. The series will touch on history, folklores, fables and general culture starting off with the life and times of King Muteesa I of Buganda. The comic books are intended to not only be of entertainment value from...
(more)The Legend of Buganda is a comic book series based on the Kingdom of Buganda in Uganda. The series will touch on history, folklores, fables and general culture starting off with the life and times of King Muteesa I of Buganda. The comic books are intended to not only be of entertainment value from a cultural aspect but also fill educational needs. Legend of Buganda presents the opportunity to create a comic book from Buganda, for Ugandans and the world, based not only on fiction and tales, but true history and culture. “Buganda to the World!”